I'm just going to jump right into this post. I just became a member of Young Living, and I have discovered a whole new way of life these past few days! I purchased the Premium Starter Kit. It came with the Everyday Essential Oils, a home diffuser, some samples, a roller fitment so I can transform a bottle into a roller bottle, and lots of literature!
I just started drinking Lemon water today, I've used Lavender for Ava at bedtime for the past 2 nights and we have had ZERO issues, I've also gotten rid of headaches with Peppermint. I've been diffusing lots of different combos with the oils I received in my kit. I made a face moisturizer with Frankincense, Lavender and Coconut oil tonight. I am definitely on my way to being a lot more natural than I was before. I have done lots of research for different remedies, and I have set a goal for our family. We want to use oils before medicines. I really want to phase out just popping some Tylenol every time I have a cramp or feel a headache coming on. I want to educate myself and eventually other people.
I have created a Facebook page to share my experiences as I learn. You are welcome to "Like" it so you can see how things are going. An Oily Journey: One Drop at a Time
If you are interested in EOs or have any questions, please contact me via Facebook and I will be happy to answer any questions!
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