Saturday, April 27, 2013

i hate third shift.

Ugh! Josh had to work last night... good for the paycheck, but it really cuts out on family time. Luckily we got to go to a baby shower today! Some good friends of ours are expecting their first child, a girl. They are naming her Journee. I love celebrating babies! I can vividly remember a time when I would purposely avoid them, because we had been trying so hard. Then after the loss it was just unbearable. I'm so glad that I have moved past that part of my life, and can enjoy things like this again. I'll lever forget my angel baby, but Ava really helps to ease that pain every single day. That girl has my heart forever!

We had planned on going to Dollywood today to upgrade our tickets to season passes, but the weather was too bad, and we didn't want to get Ava out in the rain. I guess we will just do it another time. Tomorrow will probably be a lazy day since Josh has to go in to work.... Sundays usually are our lazy days anyway. We sleep in if we can, then I'll get up and fix us a nice big breakfast, and most of the time we take a nap after that (if Ava lets us), lol.

So, my MIL brought me a sewing machine to play around with! I've never used one, and she gave me a basic tutorial. It's very intimidating. I am still just practicing straight lines. I bought the things I need to make my own washable nursing pads, but I don't know how to do the stitch around the outside of the circle. I need to figure that out first, lol. I am also going to see if I can make a little tag blanket for Ava. That girl loves tags! If I ever get any of these projects completed I'll be sure to post some pictures!  :)

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